6/10 (9 votes)
Sorti en 2002

Labyrinth en streaming

The story evolves around the Arian sect. During the III century AD they have seriously shaken the very foundations of Christian world. It is also known that in this region they had a stronghold between towns of Sirmium and Belgrade. "Labyrinth" is not only the story about our times, but a story of our roots..

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Date de sortie: 2002-08-26D'origines YugoslaviaRéalisé par Branko Đorđević, Miroslav Lekić, Miroslav Lekić, Igor Bojović, Branko NeškovAvec Dragoslav "Dragan" Nikolić, Maja Sabljić, Branislav Lečić, Katarina Radivojević, Svetozar Cvetković, Josif Tatić, Ivan Zarić, Ana Stefanović, Dejan Lutkić, Gordan Kičić
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