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Sorti en 1974

Dallas en streaming

Dallas tries to regain his father's farm which he lost in a card game with Kelly. But Kelly is now dead and his daughter, Glenda, doesn't know how to play poker. There are also rumors of a hidden treasure..

Titre original:

Il mio nome è Scopone e faccio sempre cappotto

Date de sortie: 1974-06-27D'origines Spain, ItalyRéalisé par Alberto Grimaldi, Eugenio Alabiso, Giancarlo Ferrando, Adriana Spadaro, Juan Alberto SolerAvec Anthony Steffen, Fernando Sancho, Ricardo Palacios, Claudio Undari, Gillian Hills, Gaspar 'Indio' González, Furio Meniconi, Attilio Severini, César Ojinaga, Antonio Mayans
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