5.2/10 (11 votes)
Sorti en 2013

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Miriana “Miwi" awakens at midnight to find out her sister Juliana had an accident. We don't have more information, just the vertiginous impulse of Miwi to take some food, money, a cell phone and start the car in order to accompany her sister on a trip where she will find some clues about what happened. We view the history from Miwi's point of view while we found out the events that occurred sharing with her the pain and bewilderment..

Titre original:


Date de sortie: 2013-04-29D'origines MexicoRéalisé par Nohemi Gonzalez, Nohemi Gonzalez, Raúl Locatelli, José E. Caldararo, Yibrán AsuadAvec Aglae Lingow, Ivanna Michel, Abdul Marcos, Sergio Quiñones, Ganzo Cepeda Javier, Alexandro Aldrete, Edwin Carcano, Iván González Quaker
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