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Sorti en 1930

Playboy of Paris en streaming

Yvonne, daughter of Philibert, a Paris cafe owner, is in love with dreamy, blundering Albert, a waiter, though he pays little attention to her. Philibert plans to marry his daughter to a wealthy Parisian, but upon learning that Albert is to come into a large inheritance, he conspires to place him under a longterm contract, confident that he willingly will pay a forfeit to break it..

Titre original:

Playboy of Paris

Date de sortie: 1930-10-18D'origines United States of AmericaRéalisé par Henry W. Gerrard, Howard Jackson, Percy Heath, John Leipold, Merrill G. WhiteAvec Maurice Chevalier, Frances Dee, O. P. Heggie, Stuart Erwin, Eugene Pallette, Dorothy Christy, Cecil Cunningham, Tyler Brooke, William B. Davidson, Charles Giblyn
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