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Sorti en 2001

Won't Anybody Listen en streaming

NC-17, whose members included Frank Rogala, Vince Rogala, and Robin Canada, spent two decades playing bars in Los Angeles and Orange County. From 1980 to 1990 they were billed as Exude. They had a college playlist hit with "Boys Just Want to Have Sex" and got two videos on MTV. In 1990 they changed their name to NC-17 and revamped their style into a grungier more Floyd-influenced sound. Filmmaker Dov Kelemer made a documentary of their career struggles. Once the movie was completed--it played on cable, at film festivals, and a few theaters. It's available from the www.anybodylisten.com site. NC-17 has since become inactive, as the members have scattered over several different states. Lead vocalist Frank Rogala remains active on the OC music scene..

Titre original:

Won't Anybody Listen

Date de sortie: 2001-09-28D'origines unknowRéalisé par Dominic Pereira, Frank Rogala, Vince Rogala, Dov Kelemer, Lyn JensenAvec Frank Rogala, Vince Rogala, Robin Canada, Nancy Rogala, Katherine Turman, Jim Washburn, Penelope Sudrow, Jeff Jampol, Rob Diamond
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