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Sorti en 2005

We Remember Differently en streaming

An exploration of memory, testimony and cross cultural perspectives through close examination of the relationship between mother and daughter. A white South African middle-class mother and daughter are brought together by the mother's illness. That closeness is more than metaphorical: the daughter must get into the bath to wash her weakened mother. Perhaps prompted by that, the two begin to exhume personal memory - discovering how they recall the past differently and how these nuances of shared experiences shape their perceptions of the present. This contested past is evoked by archival Super-8 footage that is as absorbing as the spinal narrative..

Titre original:

We Remember Differently

Date de sortie: 2005-07-15D'origines unknowRéalisé par Avec
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HD 1080p (VF)
1mbed.com (VF)
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