6.1/10 (12 votes)
Sorti en 2008

La Pallastrike sull'Isola di Pasqua en streaming

This movie is set on the Easter Island, where a group of children that must face the mean ruler of the island in a pallastrike match in an arena. Their objective is to free a group of kids that have been petrified during the years..

Titre original:

La Pallastrike sull'Isola di Pasqua

Date de sortie: 2008-01-01D'origines ItalyRéalisé par Maurizio Forestieri, Marco Marchese, Angelo Poggi, Francesco Rossi, Filippo FiocchiAvec Letizia Ciampa, Alessio De Filippis, Alex Polidori, Alessandro Vanni, Daniele Raffaeli, Barbara Pitotti, Roberto Certomà, Monica Vulcano, Gilberta Crispino, Alberto Angrisano
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