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Sorti en 1999

Food for the Ancestors: The Mexican Celebration of The Days of the Dead en streaming

Documentary that explores the festival known as the Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos), highlighting Mexican traditions and ancient ways that still exist -- all of these interpreted through Mexican cuisine. Each year during the last week of October, Mexican communities begin preparations for the age-old festival. For each family, it is a remembrance of a departed loved one. On a larger scale, it also memorializes all ancestral Mexicans and the gifts that they passed on to their descendants, especially food and culture..

Titre original:

Food for the Ancestors: The Mexican Celebration of The Days of the Dead

Date de sortie: 1999-10-28D'origines unknowRéalisé par Jan ThompsonAvec Bruce Kraig
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HD 1080p (VF)
1mbed.com (VF)
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