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Sorti en 2014

Short Day en streaming

An ordinary old folks’ home on the Latvian border – one of many, where our parents, grand-parents and other relatives spend their old age. Theirs is the generation whose prime years co-existed with the Soviet Union, and who were promised: work, give all you can, and we’ll take care when you’re old. The system changed and the reality is different. How to live in this reality, accept the current rules, or live in the past and have regrets. We will touch upon their world, and the dreams and hopes of Vilnis, Imants, Alberts and Elizabete..

Titre original:

Īsā diena

Date de sortie: 2014-11-05D'origines LatviaRéalisé par Una Celma, Una Celma, Aleksandrs Grebņevs, Oleg Aleksejev, Jevgēnijs KobzevsAvec
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