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Sorti en 2021

Tibbits Hill en streaming

If the wind spoke the language of children, what would its voice be? The film tells the story of migrating children that have found refuge from war in an abandoned school, protected from the horrifying whistling of the wind. When one of them disappears, they decide to break the silence and reunite to commemorate the loss..

Titre original:

Tibbits Hill

Date de sortie: 2021-10-08D'origines CanadaRéalisé par Camille Mongeau, François Messier-Rheault, Édith Jorisch, Édith Jorisch, Maria Gracia TurgeonAvec Calixa Viau, Clara Chaîné, Loïc McNeil
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HD 1080p (VF)
1mbed.com (VF)
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